Click here for Fees and Conditions

PARENTS & GUARDIANS COMMITMENT To ensure that we are able to give your child the best experience and opportunities we ask the following:

  •  That all fees and payments are up to date.
  • That student’s are dropped off and picked up from class on time.
  • That you or your representatives collect your student/children from the classroom.  If you wish to make other arrangements please let us know in writing.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the earliest opportunity on 0402 346 153.  Due to time constraints it is not always possible to speak to tutors at the class.
  • Have an up to date email address so that we can send important correspondence and information to you including invoices, newsletters and production details.  If you do not have email, please let us know and we will organise other means.
  • Hard copies of all notices are kept at the class, please check these when you are dropping off or collecting your child.
  • If you, or your child, have any concerns, no matter how small, regarding any aspect of the class or AYP, please speak to us.  If we are not aware then we cannot do anything about it.  We cannot stress how important this is in ensuring your child gets the most out of the programs.
  •  Assist us in whatever capacity you can, such as coming to the occasional working bee, ushering at a performance, attending our monthly PFA meetings.  Your contribution, no matter how small, will be appreciated by the students.

STUDENT’S COMMITTMENT Students are expected to: –

  • Arrive in time for the beginning of classes.  Classes will begin at the scheduled time and being late not only means that students miss out on valuable class time but it is also disruptive.
  • Attend all classes throughout the year.  Much of the curriculum is project and group based.  As classes work towards the presentation of performance pieces, missing students can be detrimental to the productive work in the class and will let their class mates down.
  • Participate in class to the best of their ability.  We encourage students to have a go at all the activities, but if they have any concerns of worries we ask that they speak to their tutor.
  • Learn lines, songs, movements in the time allocated.  As well as doing home based work in preparation for classes.
  • Speak to us if they have problems with learning lines or home based activities.
  • Take any and all paperwork home; so that information is passed on to prevent any communication concerns.
  • Have Fun!

CLASS RULES AND BEHAVIOUR In each individual class, students and their tutor work together to come up with a list of class rules and behaviour.  This list becomes an important part of how a class works together.

VIEWING CLASSES For many students, especially those who are initially shy and self-conscious, having parents and other people observe the class distracts them and may prevent them from becoming completely engaged in the class. For this reason, we ask that parents not plan to stay for classes.  You will have the opportunity to see your child display the skills he or she has learned at our mid-year and year-end presentations. In addition, parents will have the opportunity to be invited into the classroom to see an informal presentation of a portion of the week’s lesson at the tutor’s discretion.  We understand there can be special circumstances where students need carers with them.  Please speak to us if you have any concerns.

COSTUMES AND PROPS Students are encouraged to cover basic costume requirements such as pants, t-shirt, shoes and simple accessories.